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Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. Eva 2002 Florence 

Vito CAPPELLINI, James HEMSLEY, Gerd STANKE (editors)

2002, 300 pagine, formato 17x24 cm, € 27.00
ISBN 88-371-1312-9

Collana: "Atti dei Congressi"

Index: Sharing content among music-oriented mediateques and archives - ES-IST project: WEDELMUSIC. Optical music analysis: a reverse engineering approach. A european agency for cultural heritage the EACH portal. The catalogue's general informative system: a tool for knowledge, protection and valorization of italian cultural heritage. Advanced development and promotion of digital archiving in Gifu. EUROPE: when electronic solutions meet universities' and libraries' requirements. Galileothek@ - Integrated digital repository of galileian resources. IT-infrastructure and cooperative models for CH-organizations - The REGNET model. Case study: VirtuAL project - A prototype for virtual archive and Library for cathedrals. MEDINA: a portal for mediterranean culture. ARCHTERRA: an EU project ti promote the cultural co-operation among eastern and western european archaeological communities. Building your own thematic network: the ACTIVATE project in action. Organising the knowledge of arts experts for HyperMedia presentation. CHERI - acquisition management and delivery of rich media in the art and cultural domain. MESMUSES - Metaphors for science museums. User-centred development for cultural heritage applications - the VNET5 approach. An infrastructure for digital objects trasnaction-management: the TRADEX model. Bechmarking in cultural heritage digitization project and policies. PETAL: a proposal of an XML standard for the visual arts. New efficient algorithm for the restoration of noisy color images. Details preserving LUM FTC filter for noisy images with hidden information. A complete system for old motion picture restoration. Applications of adaptive block-based image compression by Karthunen-Loève transform. A viewing system in arbitrary direction for oil painting. MISE: the medicinal plant image search case study for medical cultural content. MuseumNet: reactivity a new fruition metaphor. Accompanying 25 EC trials projects on innovation for cultural heritage. BEASTS: a boost to rural tourism in Wales. On the trace od Dominico dell'Allio. Virtual open air museum in 3 dimensions. Benchmarking of still image watermarking methods: principles and state of the art. Copyright protection & exploitation of digital cultural heritage. JPEG 2002 (2K) advanced networking 2KAN project: addressing the new JPEG work items. The virtual sead sea scrolls and the electronic art garden. Archiving israeli websites in the research library. From documents contents to presentation - the data base of prisoners published as the "Memorial book of Ravensbruck". An image database at ICCROM: second stage. The photographic archive of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz: perspectives of a digital database conceived for research. Survey on user expectations from visual arts re/presentation on the web. Ark of refugee heirloom - A cultural heritage database. The digital archives for cultural heritahìge in Tuscany. Tristam shandy web. Performing histories: visitors immersion in exhibition schema using interactive media systems. V.M.A. - The virtual museum of architecture. Design of a hendheld interactive support for museum visitors. The ten year evolution of the New York Digital Salon. The soldiers in the backyard - An interactive children's story on the internet. Multimedia as a cultural phenomenon and academic subject at the Moscow university of Culture and Arts. Gulliver project: performers and visitors. SITO-GEO, a GIS of Italy, as a tool for data base of cultural heritage - The case study of Florence. Cultural resources management. The virtualis project: interacting with operatic contents. The design of hypertexts oriented to deep comprehension of artists and their context: Van Gogh. The GIANO project: multimedia tools for the cultural heritage. From hyper-film to hyper-web: the challenging continuation of a european project.

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"Avviso - Ai sensi dell'art.1, comma 1 del decreto-legge 22 marzo 2004, n.72, come modificato dalla legge conversione 21 maggio 2004 n.128, le opere presenti su questo sito hanno assolto gli obblighi derivanti dalla normativa sul diritto d'autore e sui diritti connessi. La riproduzione, la comunicazione al pubblico, la messa a disposizione del pubblico, il noleggio e il prestito, la pubblica esecuzione e la diffusione senza l'autorizzazione del titolare dei diritti è vietata. Alle violazioni si applicano le sanzioni previste dagli art. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis e 174-ter della legge 633/1941".