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Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. Eva 2004 Florence 

Vito CAPPELLINI, James HEMSLEY (editors)

2004, 336 pagine, formato 17x24 cm, € 27.00
ISBN 88-371-1479-6

Collana: "Atti dei Congressi"

Index: MINERVA Coordination Strategies and Impact. A new project on Cultural Heritage by C.N.R. The European Library: from Project to Service. DIS (Digital Image System) Technology and its Applications to Digital Archives (II). Semantic Web and Ontologies at the Institute and Museum of the History of Science of Florence. New Job Opportunities: Information Technology at Culture’s Service. MINERVA – Ministerial Network for Valorising Activities in Digitisation. BRICKS: The European Digital Library. Excellence on Intelligent ICT Applications, To Cultural Heritage. Digital Capture of Archive, Objects and Paintings for Research and Conservation. From Cultural Learning Objects to Virtual Learning Environments for Cultural Heritage Education: The Importance of Using Standards. The DHX Project Globally Shared Cultural Heritage. Exploring Co-operation Opportunities European & Indian in ICT with Enterprises, R&D and Academia. Handle with care - The Memoria project and the re-use of information. Smart Exposition Rooms: the Ambient Intelligence View. MEDINA (Mediterranean by Internet Access): an EU Funded Project for The Video-Enabled Museum. Building Online Research Galleries to Enable Access to and Interpretation of Large Collections of Photographs. Virtual Archaeology beyond scientific reconstruction: the role of education and communication. The "Pompei – Insula del Centenario (IX 8) Project" experience". Optimal Image Generation for Art Databases. Beneath the Surface: New Technologies Reveal the Artist at Work (Case Studies in Diagnostics and Integration). The Use of Wireless Technology for Cultural Heritage. A Real-Time Viewing System of Oil Painting from Arbitrary Direction. A Visualization Tool for Comparing Paintings and their Underdrawings. Interactive Immersive Graphics for Promoting Cultural Heritage. DIG-IN - An Experiment to Build a Multi-User Scalable, Online Gaming Experience for Painting Capture from Photos of Pottery. Robust Color Image Retrieval of Artworks for the WWW. Multimedia Shows as a Way to Cultural Heritage Renovation and Preservation. Wireless communication in monument conservation. New Visual Technologies for the Performing Arts: Virtual Set for Opera, Visual Classical Concert, Painting of Historical Buildings. Online access to cultural and educational resources for disabled people: an international challenge. Global Art on Demand Initiative. Acquaintance, Safeguard and Valorization of Smaller Libraries Bibliographical Patrimony. A Project Model. Virtual Reality Metaphor for Data Handling and Retrieval in Conservation of Cultural Assets. VIA – The V&A Information Architecture. CULTUREBASE.NET - The International Artist Database. Museums and Cultural Heritage BroadVisibility. Evaluation of Cultural Web Sites: a MILE-basedcomparative analysis. Karabournaki-Recording the Past: the Digitization of an Archaeological Site. Creating 3D Digital Archive of Byzantine Ruinsin Turkey. Architectural Surveying – From a point-cloud to a 3D model, benefits of using theoretical models stemming from the history of representation. Electronic Documentation Tool for Archaeology: An Automated System for Fragments of Ceramics. 3D Reconstructions of Prehistoric Sites Taphona Analysis of Grave 7,Grotta del Romito (Papasidero Cosenza). Digital Three-dimensional Modeling of Heritage by Frequency-modulated Laser Radar: the Case of Donatello’s David. Opportunities for Digital Asset . The JPEG 2000: testing results about the new digital image compression Standard. A Robust Watermarking Method Supported by an Image Registration Mechanism for Securing Digital Image Libraries. Visual Quality of 3D Models for Watermarking Technology Improvements. Aesthetics-Driven Mobile Product Design as an Educational Vehicle. The Royal Collection e-Gallery. Reasoning with Time in Large Databases: the Rembrandt case. Medieval Chartes and Modern Networks Reading Web pages to visually impaired people. NUMERO: Organization of a Digital Satirical Journal for Different Communities. The Immersive Experience of Osmose and Ephemere: An Audience Study.

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"Avviso - Ai sensi dell'art.1, comma 1 del decreto-legge 22 marzo 2004, n.72, come modificato dalla legge conversione 21 maggio 2004 n.128, le opere presenti su questo sito hanno assolto gli obblighi derivanti dalla normativa sul diritto d'autore e sui diritti connessi. La riproduzione, la comunicazione al pubblico, la messa a disposizione del pubblico, il noleggio e il prestito, la pubblica esecuzione e la diffusione senza l'autorizzazione del titolare dei diritti è vietata. Alle violazioni si applicano le sanzioni previste dagli art. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis e 174-ter della legge 633/1941".