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Theory, principles and research. Effective learning and teaching of Mathematics from primary to secondary school

Leo ROGERS, Jarmila NOVOTNÁ (Editors)

2003, 15x21 cm, pp. 210, € 19.00
ISBN 88-371-1393-5

ELTMAPS Project Page     Contents and Introduction

This book contains some of the research papers written over the period of the ELTMAPS project reflecting the contexts and problems involved in teaching aspects of mathematics to pupils in the 9 to 14 age range. In these pages it is not possible to do justice to all the topics and discussions covered in the project, so references at the end of each paper lead to selected readings and supporting examples. The first section concerns general problems of background and context, and the problems of presenting mathematics to pupils so that it has meaning and relevance and at the same time changing classroom practices and organisation so that this approach is more possible. While the development of mathematical language - in particular the language of algebra – is approached from a historical point of view, we can reflect on this as a model for appreciation the difficulties pupils have in representing their ideas in the different modes and understanding the significance of the changes from one mode to another. The social conditions of change are addressed in the paper in the second section where at the time of transfer the physical environment changes for pupils and with it, the expectations, ways of working and attitudes of teachers together with the curriculum content and the way it is expressed in texts. It is clear that without good communication between primary and secondary teachers, together with a respect and understanding of each other’s contexts, it is difficult (though not impossible) to overcome these problems. The issues addressed in the final section of this book cover one of the most significant of research areas, and concern the way in which we construct and use representations. The problem begins with traditional ways of presenting elementary mathematics to children where the kinds of representations found in textbooks and used by teachers are not always the most helpful or efficient for building further mathematical ideas. An interesting experiment discussed here is the introduction of proportionality problems where pupils are encouraged to discuss and reason with each other, and justify their answers.
Leo Rogers: Principal Lecturer in Mathematics Education, University of Surrey Roehampton, London, England.
Jarmila Novotná: Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University, Prague, The Czech Republic.

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